Monday, October 31, 2011

Today's Important News (31-10-2011)

The Hindu


  1. Niira Radia says ‘tata' to PR business
  2. Good governance, corruption can't co-exist: Advani
  3. “Crux of education should lie in identifying innovators”
  4. Governors' panel mooted for farmer-industry ties
  5. Bring electronic media under Press Council: Katju
  6. Kamalesh Sharma re-appointed C'wealth Secretary-General


  1. China's supercomputer surprises U.S. experts
  2. American exit from Iraq “golden” victory: Iran
  3. Al-Shabaab mounts attacks in Mogadishu
  4. Keep off, Assad warns West

India & The World:

  1. India's biggest asset is ‘soft power'
  2. BASIC countries to frame common position on Kyoto protocol

Business News:

  1. Monetary policy review: the two core subjects
  2. Economic growth fails to reduce unemployment


  1. Vettel scorches his way to victory

Editorials & Articles:

  1. A threat to multilayered secular cultures
  2. 1984 and the violence of memory
  3. Covering all subjects
  4. No risk of brain tumour

The Times of India


  1. Govt committed to fighting corruption: PM
  2. Indian firms may land iron ore mining contract in Afghanistan


  1. Lay off or risk Mideast ‘quake’ : Syria to West

Business News:

  1. I-banking biz may take a big hit in ’11

S&T, Environment, Defence:

  1. 'Developing nations' emission cut pledges bigger than West's'
  2. 'Early 3D films caused nausea'
  3. 'We understand some mistakes we made in the past'


  1. F1: Vettel wins, world raises toast to India

Editorials & Articles:

  1. High gear
  2. Seven billion mark

The Indian Express


  1. Time to fight graft, says PM
  2. Don’t want curbs on MPLAD fund use, MPs write to govt
  3. Adivasi faction joins GJM
  4. Scavenging, NREGA kept PM, Sonia busy during 2G, Anna storms


  1. US plans troop buildup in Gulf after Iraq pullout
  2. West intervention in Syria will burn region, says Assad
  3. The three spectres that loom over the Arab feast
  4. Democracy fear over Libya’s new rulers

India & The World:

  1. Indians in Syria struggle under US curbs
  2. CHOGM reaches consensus on reforms, not on rights monitor

Business News:

  1. ICAI asks independent directors to question high provisioning by banks
  2. Mushrooming gold loan business now under RBI scanner
  3. Outlays for highways development stop short of maintenance, repair
  4. Indian consumers confident amid global downbeat, says report


  1. Vettel wins, drivers won over: ‘Dhanyavaad, congrats’

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